
Book now for Valentines Day, a supper club special at The Sussex Barn, Heaven Farm

It’s Game night this Friday Supper Club at The Sussex Barn, book your table now via the website www.thebutlerspantrysussex.co.uk or call 07845176339/01825790888
We remind you to…
Please understand that our farm is privately owned and open to others for all to enjoy. Therefore, we request that you respect the wildlife, plants, signage, and our ancient woodland and parkland around you, so it can be preserved for future generations. Please adhere to the country code 🌳
Keep to the paths and never climb fences, gates or trees. Please do not enter any private areas, these will be signed and the signs are there for a reason.
Please take your litter home with you
Keep your dog on a lead at all times
Do not make any fires
No cycling permitted