Farming, Family, Food and The Sussex Countryside

Woodland Walk

Come & discover the ancient Bluebell Woodland Walk
The wood, parkland and waterside walks of the ancient Woodland Walk hold Conservation Awards from the South of England Agricultural Society. The Woodland Walk is open most of the year dependant on the weather.

As you make your way around the walk there is much of interest – from an ancient Bloomery (probably Roman) to an old pack horse bridge, a 300 year old dam, badger sets and foxes’ earths. And don’t forget the wallabies with their joeys lazing in the sun or hopping around.

Spectacular Spring Flowers

During Spring for the Celandines, Wood Anemones and Bluebells

Adults £5.00
Child £2.50 (5-16 years)
Senior £4.00

Family ticket £15.00 (2 adults with 3 or more children)

Low / off peak season

At any other times

Adults £3.75
Child £2.00 (5-16 years)
Senior £3.25

Family ticket £12.50 (2 adults with 3 or more children)

Carp feeding

You can purchase a small bag of food (50p) and enjoy feeding our numerous carp in the large ponds on the trail. They will often come close to feed on the treats.


All well behaved dogs are welcome, as long as they are kept on a lead at all times.


We remind you to…

Please understand that our farm is privately owned and open to others for all to enjoy. Therefore, we request that you respect the wildlife, plants, signage, and our ancient woodland and parkland around you, so it can be preserved for future generations. Please adhere to the country code 🌳

Keep to the paths and never climb fences, gates or trees. Please do not enter any private areas, these will be signed and the signs are there for a reason.

Please take your litter home with you

Keep your dog on a lead at all times

Do not make any fires

No cycling permitted


In Spring, the wood anemones are the first blanket to cover the woodland, followed by a carpet of stunning bluebells. In the mornings, the scent of the bluebells is quite intoxicating. It really is the best time to visit the woods.


In Spring, the wood anemones are the first blanket to cover the woodland, followed by a carpet of stunning bluebells. In the mornings, the scent of the bluebells is quite intoxicating. It really is the best time to visit the woods.


In Spring, the wood anemones are the first blanket to cover the woodland, followed by a carpet of stunning bluebells. In the mornings, the scent of the bluebells is quite intoxicating. It really is the best time to visit the woods.


In Spring, the wood anemones are the first blanket to cover the woodland, followed by a carpet of stunning bluebells. In the mornings, the scent of the bluebells is quite intoxicating. It really is the best time to visit the woods.